Spirit Dragon
Public installation at Chinatown Memorial Square, Vancouver, BC
Recycled textile, aluminum, plaster, calligraphy, vinyl and LED light
70’ft X 40’ft
Public artwork commissioned by the Fire Dragon Festival and funded by the Fire Dragon Festival team and Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, collaborative work with artist Lam Wong
Spirit Dragon is created to lift the community spirit, specially in Vancouver Chinatown, during the Covid-19 pandemic when the community is facing much hardship and struggles. The 70 feet public art installation is made with mainly recycling materials and fabrics. It hangs on the big wall of 105 Keefer building facing the Chinatown Memorial Square. The dragon body is built with many colourful recycled fabrics that the artists sourced in local Chinatown shop, mixing with large amount of cut-up calligraphy pieces. The first batch of calligraphy works depicting the story, history and origin of Fire Dragon Festival that started in 17th century in Hong Kong. The second batch was written with text from Metta Sutta, a Buddhist Prayers of Compassion. This work is dedicated to all victims, business and people that are suffering during the pandemic. As a community we need to heal together. We hope the uplifting spirit of this large dragon can provide the healing energy and spread in the wind above Vancouver Chinatown.